The Torbert family tradition of service to the Greater Dover communitybegan in December 1918, with the following announcement in the DelawareState News: "William Pritchett,Dover's well known and efficient undertaker, has associated with himWilliam Torbert… who comes into this community highly recommended,thoroughly capable and reliable with 15 years experience in allbranches of the latest improved, modern methods in embalming andfuneral directing." In 1919 Mr. Torbert moved to 61 SouthBradford St, where his philosophy of excellence in service continuestoday. Torbert Funeral Chapel has seen the transition from horse drawncoach to motor car, in fact, the carriage lights from our last horsedrawn hearse have been electrified and grace the entrance to ourdowntown funeral chapel. Four generations of Torbert men and women haveset the standard for superior, dignified service to their community.The Torbert's take great pride in their company motto, "Our family serving your family, since 1918". Since our founding we have served 7,000 families in this community.