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First Baptist Church Of Seaford
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First Baptist Church of Seaford, A Family Place for the Family of God. Home of Seaford Christian Academy.
Address543 N Bradford St Seaford, DE 19973-2426
Phone(410) 629-7161
Welcome to First Baptist. One of the great joys of worship is to be with people who love the Lord and have a desire to experience the presence of God. We pray that you can come worship with us and experience God's presence in your life, and experience the sweet family fellowship that we enjoy at First Baptist.

Our purpose at First Baptist is to glorify God in sharing the gospel message, and the discipleship of Christians through the teaching of God’s Word. We seek to share the Gospel to our world, and to provide a place and opportunity for ministry. We preach the Bible “simple and true”, and believe it has the power to change lives. We invite you to come and be a part of this special family.

“To glorify God in the salvation of souls, the edification of Christians through the teaching of God’s Word, the worldwide proclamation of God’s saving grace expressed in the shed blood and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary.”

Sunday School 9:45 am (Classes for All Ages)
Morning Service11:00 am (Nursery, Toddler and Junior Church)
Evening Service 7:00 pm (Childrens Service Following Song Service)

Each Wednesday –
Youth Dinner at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall (during school year)
Youth Meeting at 6:00 pm – Teen Zone
Prayer and Praise Meeting at 7pm – Fellowship Hall
Patch Club Meeting at 7pm – Meet in Gym, Dismiss in Fellowship Hall

As a tribute to your close friends and family members who have served , living or deceased, or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, First Baptist is planning to honor them at the service on November 14, 2010. If you would like to honor those close friends and family members including yourself, you can fill out this online form and submit it online no later than Sunday November 7. There is no reasonable limit as to how many you may honor but please use one form per person.
If you prefer, you may download and print this printable form and place it in the offering plate at church, or mail it to:
First Baptist Church, 543 N Bradford Street, Seaford, DE 19973.


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